We design spaces for organizations to extend your shared values into how you share physical space, how you gather your folks, and where you build power.

Why us?

Designing the right space for your work can be tricky. But, we know Movement, and we know orgs who serve community. You won’t have to explain why you work the way you do or what a refreshed organizational home will mean for your folks.

We believe beautiful, values-driven design should be accessible to everyone and doesn’t have to bust your budget or communicate that your priorities are in the wrong place. To that end, when working with organizations we practice: 

  • Conflict curiosity. We love a mess, both literally and figuratively. We’re passionate about bringing your team (or you and your partner, or your family) together to practice curious communication to co-create the space you all deserve. Outside of interior design, we work on organizational development, so this is literally our bread and butter.

  • Accessibility. Most spaces aren’t designed well for disabled folks, folks in bigger bodies, or the different ways our brains work. We’ll make a plan together that gives everyone equal access to and comfort in your space.

  • A sustainability mindset. We reuse, refashion, and keep a careful eye on the environmental and human impacts of our recommendations. We insist this is possible on any budget.

  • Radical Transparency. We practice radical honesty, see conflict as an opportunity, list our pricing up front, and often we can pass along discounts on products. 

Services & Pricing

  • Establishing a vision & getting organized.

    $1600. We’ll discuss your needs, create a shared vision with a small group of your folks, and use these tools to create a mood board for your new space and remain accessible by email for questions. You take it from there and tap us back in as needed at $200/hour. This option is great for very small teams, tightly defined projects, or folks who want to do the bulk of the work themselves.

  • The Consensus Builder.

    Starts at $4800. We’ll assess what you need from your space and build a robust, inclusive vision with your team based on collective discussion and exploration, ensuring team buy-in and that folks can see their input in the final design. You’ll leave with a needs assessment, a shared vision, a mood board, and a project plan that we can execute together or you can take to another designer, architect, or contractor. This option is ideal for larger teams, bigger or unclear design challenges, and organizations at tricky junctures in how they use space for their work.

  • Just need to pick your brain.

    $350 for a 90 minute call. We'll cover your design goals and answer any questions you have. We’ll request some light pre-work so we can use our time well. You’ll walk away with clarity on how to tackle your biggest design challenges in your space, and we’ll follow up via email with what we discovered together. You can bring us in later to implement if you want.

Get in touch!

Reach out to share more about your project or get a call scheduled to explore.